Robert Black Consulting – The Roundtable

Robert Black Consulting

Robert Black has served for three decades as a consultant in various areas to companies and organizations engaged in global activities and business.  Robert Black/Consulting, his personal consultancy, has been operating since 1989.  His experience in MIS/IT (mainframes to micros, beta testing of business process applications, first field deployments of logistics operations applications, delivery of BPM systems domestically & abroad, graduate instruction)  and  security areas/operations (nuclear weapons, combat base security, detention centers, executive protection/program security in overseas locations, cyber security) spans a half century. His experience in security exercises parallels those duties, and he serves on the Area Maritime Security Committee of Coast Guard Sector New York and in the FBI’s InfraGard.

He is a founding associate of Applied Integrated Security (AIS), working predominantly in the maritime domain and currently in ‘start up’ status.  This is the third start-up in which he has participated.
In addition to security, combat, and disaster relief accomplishments, he has been an adjunct and a guest lecturer at colleges and universities around the world, instructing in management information systems/information technology, business & economics, among other subjects.  He worked globally for a decade for the Young Presidents Organization, Inc.  He held positions at The Conference Board and in Executive Programs, Columbia Graduate School of Business, among others.  He has written about business & management matters and has various published works in a number of areas.
He received his engineering BS from Annapolis, his MA and MPhil from Columbia University.  He has certificates in computer science, French interpretation, European Studies, and Vietnamese.  He also holds certificates in maritime security matters and counter-terrorism from the NYPD Counter-Terrorism Division, FEMA, and SUNY Maritime College.


Today’s Topic:
CYBER ISSUES IN SMBs – Challenges & Guidance
SMBs, especially start-ups, don’t have the luxury of running IT departments or having even 1 or 2 full- or halftime IT staff.  Outsourcing is the typical approach.
How is an appropriate group chosen?  What is needed?  How is a bad choice avoided?  What is the process?  And so on…  These kinds of issues will be considered and some guidance proffered.