Dianne Wesley
Peak Performance Tools and Skills – Reframing
while on Dianne Wesley’s “The Train of Great™”
Hello everyone here this morning at the Round Table. How are you? What a Joy it is to be here with all of you fantabulous people. Hello to all of you that are viewing this video. Let me introduce myself to you.
My name is Dianne Wesley. For those I know already, it’s great to see you again. For the new faces, welcome to this Great Group. A very dear talented friend of mine said to me, “You are a Visionary.” I thought about what he said and realized he was right. I believe I started being a Visionary from about 2 years old when I wanted to start ballet. Miss Wealthy Ann Townsend said to my mom, “If your daughter is that focused at 2 ½ I will take her.” I was, and that started my love and my journey as an Artist. At 5, my brother came back from his Jamboree in Colorado. I saw the picture, pointed and said “Mommy, Daddy, this is where I’m going to college. I got patted on my head and years later I went to Denver University in Colorado. The early years were not easy because I was a child born with birth defects. I had many seizures and convulsions before I had my kidney taken out at the age of 12, but it never stopped me because I kept my vision, I believed in who I was, and where I was going in my life. While at Denver University, I was approached by a major director from England, and he requested I go and audition at Four of the Top Drama Academies in England. I saw the vision. I went and got accepted at all 4. I picked the drama academy called Rose Bruford. So now, let’s move forward. I am currently an Internationally Known Performing Artist, SAG-AFTRA Actress, Top 4 and 5 Billboard Recording Artist, Singer, Song-Writer and Producer, commercial, voice-over artist, script and content writer, and currently the Producer of a Radio Show.
I was recently asked “Di, you’re a Top Artist. What made you put this course together?” I responded, “I did it because of a Need. Most people do not know how to Speak. They have Fear and they are Petrified to move forward. This stops them in their tracks and from reaching their Full Potential and Goals. However, on “The Train of Great™”, there is no stopping, but only Positive, Powerful Momentum and Exceptional Success for the Future.”
Then I was asked, while I was Touring, and Performing, all the time in front of Thousands and Thousands of People around the the USA and the World every night, “How did You prepare for Peak Performance?” I said, “I already saw it Happening before I put one Foot on the Stage. I felt the Crowd, I Heard my Voice, I Believed in what I was Doing and Saying, and I Focused on that. Nothing gets in the way of that Performance. For Example, it’s just like the Baseball Player named Babe Ruth. He would just look at the Crowd and Point to the direction he wanted his Home Run to go. Then, he would knock the Ball out of the Park!”
You, as a Speaker or Public Speaker, can do the same thing, being in a position to speak one-on-one in front of a possible investor or the entire team, or the entire room, who are ready to analyze you and rip you apart with every word that you speak. You can be ready for anything that is thrown at you by having the Peak Performance Skills and Tools ready by your side at a Moment’s Notice.
These are the Peak Performance Skills and Tools that you should always have ready.
The Three K’s are:
- Know Your Audience
- Know Your Material
- Know Your Mind and Purpose
The Four P’s Are:
- Passion
- Practice
- Patience
- Perfection
The Seven C’s are:
- Confidence – Own it, Believe who You are
- Character – Develop it, Shape it, See it
- Communication – Believe what you are Saying
- Connection- See the Result before it Happens and Believe it
- Compassionate – Respect for Everyone and Remember they all have their own stories
- Control – Believe the Vision you see and become One with it.
- Choose Your Words – When Speaking, Believe who you are through the words you choose to say and how You say them. Weigh and Measure how your Audience is responding to you and adjust your message if needed. Know how to change the Tone and Texture of your voice. By the thoughts you create, make it feel Natural and Flowing, but not Stiff and Stacatto. Let the Sentence and the Thought Connect to each other by becoming one to create a strength and inner confidence in the Delivery to Help You become the Best Version of Yourself. Here are some examples through role playing, which we will do right now.
These are also the Skills and Tools I use on a Regular Basis:
- Rhythm Speaking
- Opening and Closing Deals
- Role-Playing
- Communication at Home and at Work
- Energy and Confidence
- Conquering Nerves and Stress
- Reading Body Language and Tone of Voice
- Cutting- Edge Breathing Techniques
- Embracing Cold Calls
- Diction, Power, and Projection
- Confidence Introducing Yourself at All types of Events
- Eye Contact and Facial Expressions
- Adding Personality to Your Delivery
- Loving Life and Yourself!
For all of my Fantabulous Friends that are here today and seeing us through this video, Thank You for tuning in. I look forward to connecting with you soon. If you are interested in any and all of the information that has been expressed here today, please contact me so we can further this conversation to see how we can move forward together. Remember, “Visualization is Actualization™”.
Thank you for this exceptional opporunity to speak in front of all you Fantabulous People!
CONTACT Dianne Wesley
Cell: (201)572-4062
Email: dwesleykykm@optonline.net
Facebook: Dianne Wesley
Facebook Fan Page: Dianne Wesley Official Fan Page
Twitter: diannewesley123
LinkedIn: Dianne Wesley
YouTube: Dianne Wesley