Sheryll Mizell – The Roundtable

Sheryll Mizell – Fit For Biz Consulting, Inc


Most people are not aware of how they show up to others. How their emotional and mental framework impacts MAJOR decisions in their lives, especially their money! 


I am an entrepreneur,  musician, author  and owner / CEO of Fit For Biz Consulting Inc where  information creates inspiration!  I believe, through information people will be inspired to live life by design and not by default!   My background is in accounting and human resources.  I’ve always had a love for numbers and listening to and observing people’s behaviors. My journey  and passion for creating Fit For Biz started as I  became aware of  my own emotional and mental framework and began to change my mindset regarding financial well-being from a holistic approach.


Once  I began  observing people’s behaviors especially my friends, I started to wonder:  Why were some successful and had great networks and seemed to get anything they wanted and others struggled? I believe it’s because we knew how to navigate through life beyond our circumstances and our current situations. We knew or learned how to network, how to keep good thoughts and a good self image.


At Fit For Biz, we listen, love and connect so clients start to identify and understand how their emotional and mental framework may prevent them from achieving desired goals. Through my  3 book series and workshops, which should be complete before December 2017,  people will  learn to create a different relationship with themselves and money. Hence, they’ll be inspired to use the information to create an amazing and authentic lifestyle.


I’m  also creating Financial literacy and life skills curriculum implementing music, arts and poetry to present to the  Board of Ed. I believe this will support kids to creatively connect to learning about finances and entrepreneurship. In addition,  an app will be developed to further assist clients on their journey towards mindfulness financial well-being.


Financial request :  $50,000 to cover initial costs.

Costs will include: editing of books and curriculum,  publishing books,  app  development,  social media management,  website design and management,  packaging and supplies,  initial inventory of books, hotel fees for workshop presentations, subcontractors to assist with creation of music and poetry and regular  business expenses

CONTACT Sheryll Mizell
PHONE: 917.541.7270