Sheryll Mizell – The Roundtable

Sheryll Mizell – Fit For Biz

In Sheryll’s own words:


I am Sheryll Mizell. I am an entrepreneur, poet, musician, certified personal trainer, content creator, and author.  I am also a financial wellness strategist and founder / CEO of Fit For Biz Consulting Inc where information meets imagination to create inspiration for transformation™.  My background is in accounting and human resources.  I’ve always had a love for numbers and listening to and observing people behaviors. I love to say that it was my love for math and people that led me to create Fit For Biz Consulting. I am a product of the product and did not realize that I also needed to heal my finances until the 2009-2010 economic recession. My journey to creating this business started as I became aware of my own emotional and mental framework and began to change my mindset regarding financial well-being from a holistic approach. Subsequently, I facilitated numerous financial literacy and soft skills workshops as well as collaborated with other organizations to teach and empower others to be aware of how their mindset and emotions impact their relationship with their money from a holistic approach.


Initially, Fit For Biz was created when I met a new accounting client who was referred to me. She wanted me to assist with getting her business finances in order so she could setup meetings with potential investors. She was looking to request a couple million dollars for her business. Although she probably thought she was exuding confidence, her energy suggested something else. After a few minutes, I stopped the consultation and asked if she was ok. I said the way you showed up, if I was the investor, I would not give you the money.  You appear as if your thoughts are somewhere else, and your energy seems all over the place.  That was the moment I realized how many other people showed up this way for important moments in their life whether an interview for their dream job, a date with that perfect someone or a meeting with a dream client / investor.


That’s when I started wondering:  Why were some successful and had great networks and seemed to get anything they wanted, and others struggled? I believe it’s because we knew how to navigate through life beyond our circumstances and our current situations.  Subsequently, I realized that people seldom think about our “inner me”, how our family dynamics, our childhood, our generational hurts, and traumas impact who we are in the present. Some of us are on autopilot with someone else’s thoughts and opinions guiding us every day.


Then, the world went through two years of a pandemic, a lockdown, and a global crisis. I recognized how these events impacted people’s lives, their fitness, their livelihood, and their mental health.  So many people wanted to crawl up in the bed and hide under the covers.  We were all trying to figure out this new life without a blueprint. It became even more important to empower people through financial wellness.  I became a champion of PEACE where I utilized my gifts and skills as a Poet, Educator, Author, Coach, and Entrepreneur to bring healing and inspiration.  So, on January 1, 2022, I created a global “21 Day I Choose Me Challenge” to teach people how to fund their future self through budgeting while they learn to heal, evolve, and rediscover their new reality. 


Come look, listen, and learn why I need your support as I rebrand my Fit For Biz Consulting business into a lifestyle and wellness brand through books, online trainings, video series, blogs, and podcast.